Vicky Theodoropoulou

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Vicky Theodoropoulou
Vicky Theodoropoulou

Vicky Theodoropoulou (Greek: Βίκυ Θεοδωροπούλου; born 1958 in Athens, Greece) is a Greek writer. Her debut novel, Letter from Dublin (first edition 1997), was awarded the Maria Ralli Prize for best new author for the year 1997 in Greece.

She read History in Athens and in Paris at the Sorbonne University.  She was a columnist for major Greek magazines and newspapers and a broadcaster on the Third Programme of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation.

At the same time, she wrote books spanning from historical documentation to literature to a genre of psychogeographical impressions.

In 2009 she founded Ludens Labs [1], a bold venture implemented by the NPO Urban Games [Αστικά Παιχνίδια], based in Athens.  Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens theory shaped the core of inspiration and the key platform for a series of innovative Workshops, Conferences, Competitions, Round Table Discussions, Group Readings, Festivals, Exhibitions and other in situ situations which took place in Exarcheia a neighbourhood in Athens.

Since 2007 she mentors adults at her Creative Writing workshops, Sealed Letter or Open Book? and Buzz Lab

List of Works


·  Letter from Dublin (novel, Hestia Publishers & Booksellers, 1997)

·  The Survivors (novel, Hestia Publishers & Booksellers, 2000)

·  Cookies (fictional essay, Ypsilon Publishers & Booksellers, 2009)

Non Fiction

·  War Diary Asia Minor 1919-1922 (historical source, Ellinika Grammata Publisher, 1994, Includes in the series «HISTORICAL SOURCES», Societé d’ Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Grece)

·  Amsterdam (travel book, Ellinika Grammata Publisher, 2001)

·  Southern Morocco (travel book, Ellinika Grammata Publisher, 2001)

Short Stories

·  Hic Rhodus his saltus baby, Anthology 10 Greek Women Writers ( Maro Douka, Katerina Zarokosta, Vicky Theodoropoulou, Maria Laina, Maria Mitsora, Sofia Nikolaidou, Pavlina Pamboudi, Ersi Sotiropoulou, Evgenia Fakinou [2], Eliana Chourmouziadou ), Lonely Androgeni, Minoas Publishers [3], 2002)

·  Purple Tablecloths and Colorful Glassware (L’ Officiel, 2001)

External links[edit]