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My name is, Dale Alan Bryant. I am a science writer, specializing in astronomy, astrobiology, cosmology and related topics, as well as, paleoanthropology, evolution and human origins.

I'm a stickler for punctuation, spelling, punctuation, and, punctuation. There seems to be a trend, among modern writers/texters, for leaving out relevant punctuation. I suspect this is due, mainly, to laziness, and, secondarily, to ignorance. One recent factoid states, that: "...more than 80% of texted communications are misinterpreted", because of this. There is no place for that in any public forum, and, particularly, Wikipedia. That practice only confuses, even infuriates, the reader trying to interpret the meaning of a statement. Moreover, as most of us have experienced, it causes unneeded stress - sometimes to the point of cyber-rage! I hope to be able to lend myself, to this effort, to the Wikipedia community, in general.