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Make Today Count
isbn: 1-599950-81-2
(actual book cover is copyrighted and cannot be shown on a user page)

Book notes for Make Today Count by John C. Maxwell.


This book by Dr. John C. Maxwell covers twelve critical areas of a person's life. The author calls these areas the "Daily Dozen" and each chapter is devoted to one of the twelve critical areas.

Maxwell's "Daily Dozen" are:

  1. Attitude: Choose and display the right attitude daily.
  2. Priorities: Determine and act on important priorities daily,.
  3. Health: Know and follow healthy guidelines daily.
  4. Family: Communicate with and care for my family daily.
  5. Thinking: Practice and develop good thinking daily.
  6. Commitment: Make and keep proper commitments daily.
  7. Finances: Make and properly manage dollars daily.
  8. Faith: Deepen and live out my faith daily.
  9. Relationships: Initaite and invest in solid relationships daily.
  10. Generosity: Plan for and model generosity daily.
  11. Values: Embrace and practice good values daily.
  12. Growth: Seek and experience improvements daily.


Page * Idea
ix The secret of your success lies in your daily agenda.
x You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.
x * Make every day of your life a MASTERPIECE!
x * Two parts to daily succes: decisions and disciplines.
4 If you want to chagne yoruself, start with your mind.
5 You cannot have a bad attitude and encourage others at the same time.
5 * Your interaction with others sets the tone for the day.
8 * Nothing helps a person be positive like having an ally.
10 * Of all virtues, gratitude is the least exressed. Express it often, sicnerely, and in writing-you will not only stand out but you will naturally focu on the positives!
14 Be careful not to let others spend your time for you.
14–15 * Priorities: Required, Return, Reward.
17 Priorities can shift very easily.
18 1/3 of all Americans make a daily plan—9% actually follow through and complete what they plannned (from Day-Timers, Inc.)
18 * If you prioritize your day but don’t follow through, the results will be the same as if you did not proiritize at all.
19 * “No executive has ever suffered because his subordinates were strong and effective.” -- Peter Drucker
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This page is the first "chicken scratches" of an idea for a Wiki that contains notes and summaries of published material (books, audio CDs, etc) in an effort to share the best points of any given learning media. Be WP:BOLD and feel free to make changes/suggestions/etc!!