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User:Coronatum Veritas

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Coronatum Veritas is a British Freemason residing in Germany, where he has lived for many years. He took up this name (which means the crown of truth) in Wikipedia to counteract some of the evil blitherings propagated by one or two (one in particular) persons who have tried to blacken the name of British Freemasonry in Germany and at the same time the characters of certain leading masons within that movement. He is too frightened to expose his real name. - now read below!

I at first removed that last sentence in an edit, but have now replaced it for the following reason:

Do not flatter yourself Mr. JTK, I am not frightened of you, far from it, indeed quite the opposite! You can do me no harm whatsoever, believe me! My retention of anonymity has nothing at all to do with fear, but entirely to do with pragmatism and nothing else! Quite simply I do not intend to read, hear or otherwise involve myself with the juvenile ravings of an error of Creation!