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Talk:The Pavlovich Brothers

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Unanswered Questions

Q: Evidence against their previous non-government employers. Also, their evidence would have increased the intelligence coup against the Chinese government. In addition to developing the illegal Whitefog program, Beijing also ordered a kidnapping on American territory. Consider the aftermath of the abductions conducted by North Korea.

A: The only non-govermental employer mentioned was Hezbollah, a known terrorist organization.

Q: Why was the World Health Organization allowed to visit the Changzhou Labor Camp in Jiangsu, China? Meera Malik said that Xiaoping Li was in a secret location.

A: The Chinese government are aware of the risks of an epidemic, so would take precautions.

Q: Why did the Chinese goverment want Xiaoping Li alive?

A: To ensure she produced a cure for the Whitefog germ warfare agent.

Q: Why was Xiaoping Li in the Changzhou Labor Camp in Jiangsu, China? She should have been in a Supermax prison.

A: One of the side-effects from a supermax prison can be mental problems. If they needed her to develop a cure, she would need to be able to focus properly.

It may have been more difficult to insure that the CIA team successfully extracted her if she had been kept in a Supermax prison.

Q: What will be the diplomatic aftermath of Xiaoping Li revealing the Whitefog program?

A: Probably nothing public, but behind the scenes deals will be done.

We are years from this point and there have been no developments. In all likelihood Xiaoping Li wasn't a turncoat divulging secrets to the CIA but a plant deliberately given to the CIA to throw them off of any real Chinese operations. We know that China is not involved in germ warfare in reality but that the US is. If the public can already gain access to this information there is no doubt the Chinese government and undercover operations would know even more about exactly what the CIA were looking for which made the set up very easy. Not only that but Xiaoping Li was played by Korean actress Natalie Kim which could subtley hint that she was actually a North Korean operative working with the Chinese to some end. What her true mission is has yet to be revealed.
We can see that nothing comes out of Whitefog. In only two episodes time we reach Berlin and another germ weapon being used. If Whitefog was of any significance surely the weapon used in Berlin would have been it. Instead it was something totally unrelated and we never hear about Whitefog again.

Q: Why did Xiaoping Li write the equation on the wall? Was she desperate for any type of hope? Why did the brothers not notice and/or ignore the message?

A: They probably ignored it, because it made no sense to them.

Q: Do we know for a fact that Xiaoping Li is who she says she is?

A: Since this episode there have been no new developments on WhiteFog. This could mean that the mission to obtain the formula was actually a failure and WhiteFog was just a cover to plant Xiaoping Li in CIA custody.

Xiaoping Li was also too calm during times when she should have been stressed and suddenly stressed during times when she would have remained calm. For example during her extraction she was put into an induced coma and then resuscitated. She was very calm when waking even though it was clear she didn't know how the extraction would be planned. On the other hand, once she revives in the Pavolich Brothers' crate she's calm and checks her surroundings but once she sees the FBI attacking the Russians she screams and cries as if on cue. This is very reminiscent of Tom's own behavior in this same episode.
The "extraction" operation to bring her to America was very questionable.
There are no labor camps in Jiangsu Province. That's the same province that Shanghai is located which is a hub of international dealings. Having a camp there would get too much attention to be secure especially for a weaponized plague like WhiteFog allegedly was. It would have made more sense if Xiaoping Li was arrested and placed in a prison somewhere in XinJiang where other high profile anti-Chinese personnel have publicly been detained. This way it is a known but very secure location leaving room for the possibility of the CIA learning of its location and plotting an extraction but they'd also know that any move on it would cause an international incident due to the fact that recent terrorist activities in the region have been attributed by the Chinese as US interference. In other words placing a CIA asset there would be baiting the US into making the wrong move or not making the move and losing the asset. It is a different goal to what we see in this episode. Having it in Jiangsu makes it less likely the Chinese will want to report the incident and place it on the international stage because it would put the security of the region - and Shanghai - into question and that means its the perfect patsy location that lets the CIA know about it but without tipping them off that their extraction is suspicious because their success can't be reported.
It is also possible that Xiaoping Li wasn't even a Chinese operative but a North Korean one working with Chinese intelligence.
 She is played by Korean actress Natalie Kim who does have other Chinese roles in her filmography.  — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:55, 8 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]