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Talk:Adrien-Jean-Pierre Thilorier

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Miscellaneous findings re Thilorier[edit]

  • Thilorier's last communication to the French Academy of Sciences occurred in 1842, when he submitted "l'appréciation de la force dynamique résultant de la compression et de la dilatation des gaz" (an estimate of the dynamic force resulting from the compression and expansion of gas). See: Comptes rendus … , 14 : 485 (1842).
  • Duane Roller, a graduate student at Harvard University at the time, found in 1952 an article by an "A. Thirolier" in the Comptes rendus of 1840. The article concerned a hieroglyphic inscription that was found inside a pyramid. The inscription stated that at the time that the inscription was made, the star Vega rose at noon and set at midnight. From this information, Thilorier calculated that the inscription had been made in 4,540 B.C. However, it's not clear that this "A. Thilorier" is Adrien Thilorier. See: A. Thilorier (1840) "Sur une inscription trouvée dans une des chambres de la grande pyramide de Memphis, et relative à l'observation d'un phénomène céleste" (On an inscription found in one of the chambers of the great pyramid of Memphis, and concerning the observation of a celestial phenomenon), Comptes rendus … , 11 : 570-574.
  • On January 11, 1837, "Sorel, Thilorier et [and] Serrurot" received a five-year patent for an apparatus for heating liquids by circulation. It's unclear whether this "Thilorier" is Adrien Thilorier. See: Patent 5096: Sorel, Thilorier, and Serrurot, "Pour le chauffage des liquides par circulation" (On the heating of liquids by circulation), Description des machines et procédés spécifiés … , 46 : 71-74 (1842).
  • The journal La France industrielle, 2 (14) : 186, 188 (May 1835) lists Adrien Thilorier by his full name as the recipient (p. 186) or co-recipient (p. 188) of patent for a hydrostatic lamp. On both pages he is listed as a ferblantier (tinsmith) residing at "rue de Bouloi no. 4" in Paris. From page 186:

Original: 42° M. Thilorier (Adrien-Jean-Pierre), ferblantier, à Paris, rue de Bouloi no. 4 -- Quatrième brevet de perfectionnement et d'addition au brevet d'invention de cinq ans, qu'il a pris le 12 mai 1826, et qui a été prorogé à quinze ans par ordonnance du roi du 6 juin 1827, pour une lampe appellé hydrostatique, à résevoir inférieur, propre à remplacer celles dites à la Carcel, et ne renfermant aucun rouage ou pièce mobile.

Translation: 42nd. Mr. Thilorier (Adrien-Jean-Pierre), tinsmith, [residing] in Paris at no. 4 Bouloi Street -- Fourth patent for an improvement and addition to the patent of five years which he got on 12 May 1826 and which was extended to fifteen years by order of the king of June 6, 1827, for a lamp called hydrostatic, with a lower resevoir, suitable for replacing those called the Carcel, and containing no clockwork or moving parts.

This reference -- La France industrielle, 2 (14) : 186, 188 (May 1835) -- lists Thilorier, with "Serrurot" (a lamp maker), as the co-inventor of a lampe-autostatique. It seems likely that this "Serrurot" is the same Serrurot who built, with Thilorier and Sorel, the circulation heater for liquids.

Cwkmail (talk) 07:00, 21 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]