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Before you lay a foundation on the cricket field, there should be a solid foundation in your heart and you start building on that. After that as you start playing more and more matches, you learn how to score runs and how to take wickets. Sachin Tendulkar

Cricket is a most precarious profession; it is called a team game but, in fact, no one is so lonely as a batsman facing a bowler supported by ten fieldsmen and observed by two umpires to ensure that his error does not go unpunished. John Arlott An Eye for Cricket

It is as well for us to remember when we are watching the best batsmen that, however easy it may all look, they do not achieve their success without toil and sweat, and that there are times even with the greatest when they must seem to themselves, as we humble performers so frequently seem to ourselves, to be batting with a broomstick, with a barn door for a wicket. E.W. Swanton Denis Compton: A Cricket Sketch.

In the game of cricket it has always been customary to accord more adulation to batsman than to bowlers. I.A.R. Peebles Talking of Cricket

Cricket civilizes people and creates good gentlemen. I want everyone to play cricket in Zimbabwe; I want ours to be a nation of gentlemen. Robert Mugabe

A true batsman should in most of his strokes tell the truth about himself. Neville Cardus

I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth - certainly greater than sex, although sex isn't too bad either. Harold Pinter

Baseball and cricket are beautiful and highly stylized medieval war substitutes, chess made flesh, a mixture of proud chivalry and base - in both senses - greed. John Fowles

Looking backward we could almost see, suspended with the most delicate equipoise above the flat little island, the ghostly shapes of those twin orbs of the Empire, the cricket ball and the blackball. Patrick Leigh Fermor

I do love cricket - it's so very English. Sarah Bernhardt

Cricket, however, has more in it than mere efficiency. There is something called the spirit of cricket, which cannot be defined. Lord Tennyson Sticky Wickets

Once again our cricketers have flattered to deceive in Australia. Ted Dexter

When I was playing the game we never had the benefit of TV or video to analyse our techniques or look at faults, we depended on other cricketers to watch us and then tell us what they thought we were doing wrong. Geoffrey Boycott

The most famous cricketers are too big to play county cricket. Ian Botham

Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to India-Pakistan match the pressure is doubled. Imran Khan

I bowl my best when I am fittest and the best way to get fit is to bowl. That's how you get your rhythm. You cannot really find a rhythm by bowling in the nets. Brett Lee

A cricketer's life is a life of splendid freedom, healthy effort, endless variety, and delightful good fellowship. W.G. Grace

Cricket was my reason for living. Harald Larwood

Reading poetry and watching cricket were the sum of my world, and the two are not so far apart as many aesthetes might believe. Donald Bradman

It's a fun day, a day which kicks off the start of our tour, it's got great tradition - Australian cricketers just love tradition - and it's been a really pleasant day. Matthew Hayden

Every cricketer knows that in the early stages of a batsman's innings i.e. before he gets his eye in -- luck plays an important part. W.G. Grace

A batsman who cannot make runs on turf after rain and sun and sind is only half a batsman. E.H.D. Sewell Well Hit Sir.

I should like to say that good batsman are born, not made; but my long experience comes up before me, and tells me that it is not so. W.G. Grace From his book, Cricket

The great thing in hitting is, not to be half-hearted about it; but when you make up your mind to hit, to do it as if the whole match depended upon that particular stroke. W. G. Grace

The hardest tests in batting are play fast bowling on a fiery wicket and spin bowloing on a sticky one. Pelham 'Plum' Warner

It is impossible for forward play to be quite as safe as back play, because there must be a moment when the ball is out of sight. K.S. Ranjitsinhji

Frequently the assertion is made that wicket keepers are born and not made. Yet anyone with average ball sense can make a fair job of it if he is prepared to work hard. Alan Knott Stumpers's View

Collectively and individually fielding is largely a matter of thoughts and discipline. I. A. R. Peebles

A run is more difficult to make than no save, because batting is in its nature a far less certain and reliable thing than bowling and fielding. K.S. Rangitsinhji

I do not believe so implicitly, as some cricketers and writers upon cricket do, in watching the bowler's hand.I prefer to watch the ball, and not anticipate events. W.G. Grace

Test Cricket is not a light-hearted business, especially that between England and Australia. Donald Bradman