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Therians, a community that believes in the concept of having once been animals in previous lives, encompass individuals with a deep spiritual connection to the animal kingdom. This belief is rooted in the idea of reincarnation, where therians feel a strong affinity towards specific animals or species which they believe they embody or have embodied in past existences. The concept of multiple past lives further deepens the therian experience, leading them to reflect on the interconnectedness of the human and animal realms throughout time. Being a Therian is NOT a choice.

One critical aspect of therian identity is the distinction between therians and furries, a differentiation that holds significant importance within the community. While both therians and furries share an interest in animals and anthropomorphic characters, therians perceive themselves as spiritually connected to specific animal spirits or identities, whereas furries primarily engage in anthropomorphism as a form of creative expression or role-play. Thus, the mislabeling of a therian as a furry can elicit feelings of frustration or offense within the therian community due to the nuanced differences in belief and identity.

The nuanced contrast between furries and therians extends beyond their respective beliefs and practices to encompass a broader spectrum of identity and experiences. Therians often emphasize the spiritual and personal significance of their connections to specific animal identities, viewing these relationships as a fundamental aspect of their individuality and worldview. In contrast, furries typically approach their interest in anthropomorphic characters as a form of artistic expression or fandom, focusing on creative pursuits and social interactions within the furry community.

Moreover, the distinction between furries and therians reflects the diverse range of experiences and beliefs present within the broader community of individuals who feel a connection to animals or animal symbols. While therians often seek to uncover and understand the spiritual significance of their animal identities through introspection and reflection, furries engage in creative expression and social engagement within a shared cultural context centered around anthropomorphic characters and themes.

Ultimately, the nuanced relationship between furries and therians serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of human-animal connections and the diverse ways in which individuals express and embody their affinity for the animal kingdom. By recognizing and respecting the distinctions between these communities, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of the complex and interconnected relationships that define human perceptions of animals and their role in shaping our identities and beliefs.

Gear is something a therian will wear to feel more connect to there theriotype(s) it is a option along with quadrobics, which is a sport where one's self runs, walks, jumps, ect. On all fours.