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User:Renamed user 0cc563c9a3a40570041dfc29f9be333d17629f23c2bf2ac31907b8552351b377/Earth Quarantine

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Is the Earth Quarantined??? Why haven't we met aliens yet? Why aren't we still sending rockets to the Moon? And why aren't we sending rockets all over the solar system? There is only one plausible explanation. Earth is being quarantined! A combination of higher alien civilizations and our own Earth-based (military) forces are working together to keep the Earth contained and neutralized. The reasons why they would do this are obvious, but where is the evidence? Possible reasons/answers:

  1. We are located in a backwater part of the galactic rim.
  2. Space debris is a shield to keep us from hearing alien broadcasts.
  3. Space-based weapons prevent aliens from wanting to bond with us. See Exopolitics
  4. JPL scientists perpetuate the myths that were reported in Wired about how we could "never achieve interstellar travel."
  5. NASA's launch of a suborbital rocket fails.
  6. Large Hadron Collider.
  7. Project Bluebook closed.
  8. Twelve missions to Mars failed en route to the planet.
  9. Global warming (sic) makes Earth more comfortable for everybody.
  10. Fly Me to the Moon This movie about flies stowing away on a moon rocket was actually a government-sponsored plot to make traveling offworld seem so awful that nobody would ever want to do it again.

In the face of such evidence, MAYBE Somebody — or something — doesn't want us to leave the planet.